Katarina Nitsch
Art education
Royal Academy of Fine Arts Stockholm, Art and Architecture, Documentalities
Master of Fine Arts (Professor Esther Shalev-Gerz), Valand School of Fine Arts, Gothenburg University, Sweden
September-December, Kanazawa Art Academy, Japan.
March-April, Institute of Contemporary Art (Joseph Backstein), Moscow, Russia 1998-2000
Örebro Art Collage, Sweden
Academic education
Middle East Studies at CMES, Lund University, Sweden
Western philosophy, Gothenburg University, Sweden
History of Art, Stockholm University
History of Litterature, Stockholms University
Culture Anthropology, Uppsala University
Classical Archaeology and Ancient History, Uppsala University
Selected exhibitions, works and presentations
GICA Göteborg International Biennal for Contemporary Art Göteborg Performative City Excavations
Göteborg International Film Festival Stories from East and West
Nordic Delight, The Vessel in collaboration with Patrik Bengtsson, Swedish Cultural Institute in Paris, France
Shall follow the rhythm through the drum of another, a rhythm of another shall wander beside me. An exhibition presented as four acts in a 300 m3 space at a shopping mall in the center of Gothenburg, Sweden 2009-2010.
Shall follow the rhythm through the drum of another, a rhythm of another shall wander beside me. An exhibition presented as four acts in a 300 m3 space at a shopping mall in the center of Gothenburg, Sweden 2009-2010.
Moscow 3rd Biennale, Russia Vulnerability
Konsthall C, Stockholm La Campagne
Galleri Krets, Malmö, Sweden Viskleken (The whisper game)
Galleri Sinne, Helsinki, Finland 600 km Performance art
Radiowy, Teatr Weimar, Malmö, Sweden
Navinki-Weld Performance Meetings in Minsk, Belarus and Stockholm, Sweden
Bonnier Art Hall, Stockholm, Sweden Tell a Friend
Old Issues New Glories; four interventions and sets for a film in Karlsborg Mölndal, Bengtsfors and Göteborg, Sweden
Five and a half Days for Extraordinary Thinking, Atalante, Gothenburg, Sweden
Lilith Performance Studio, Malmö, Sweden
Gallery 54, Gothenburg, Sweden
Lund Art Hall, Sweden
Lilith Performance Studio, Malmö and Kulturhuset, Stockholm
Video Lick, Atalante, Göteborg
Museum Anna Nordlander, Skellefteå, Sweden
Lectures, workshops and artist talks
Dômen Konstskola, Göteborg, Sweden, Harare Book Café, Harare, Zimbabwe, in collaboration with Beatrice Ehrström, Video/dance laboratory FastForward at Magacin in Belgrade, Serbia, Dunkers Culture House, Helsningborg dec Culture conference West region of Sweden, Gothenburg, Galleri Box, Göteborg Sweden, Scenskolen i Fredriksstad, Norge, Open Lab, Gothenburg International Dance-and Theatre Festival, K3, Malmö Collage, Örebro Art Collage, Färgfabriken, Stockholm, The Nordic Art School, Kokkola, Finland
Längmanska Kulturfonden
Svenska Institutet/ Swedish Institute
IASPIS, travel grant
Otto- och Charlotte Mannheimers fond
Göteborg City
Swedish Arts Grants Committee
IASPIS, grants for international cultural exchange
Otto- och Charlotte Mannheimers fond
Stiftelsen Framtidens Kultur
IASPIS, travel grant
Swedish Arts Grants Committee
Västra Götalandsregionens projektstöd
Göteborgs Stads kulturstöd
Mölndals kommun, projektstöd
Karlsborgs kommun, projektstöd
Bengtsfors kommun, projektstöd
Stiftelsen Framtidens Kultur
Swedish Arts Grants Committee
Anna-Lisa Thomson stipendiet
Helge Ax:son Johnsons stipendium
Gudmunska stipendiet
Otto- och Charlotte Mannheimers fond
Saskawa foundation
Otto- och Charlotte Mannheimers fond
Le Chäteau d’étain / Tennslottet (Edition Montgolfier, 2010) Participating writer of a collective novel for the Nordic Delight exhibition at The Swedish Cultural Institute, Paris
Hjärnstorm nr 94-95 2008
Den storslagna gesten Camilla Larsson i samtal med Katarina Nitsch
Paletten #265 nr 3 2006 Begär och exotism (Desire and exotism)
Neoexotism as an artistic strategy in the works of Katarina Nitsch, Lovisa Ringborg and Kristina Müntzing. Written by Siniziana Ravini.
Yearbook of Museum Anna Nordlander 2006
Inverted Film Noir Aesthetics – A study of the visual world of Katarina Nitsch
By Sinziana Ravini
Illusionen krackelerar i glappet
Astrid von Rosen Göteborgsposten 2007-06-02
phone: +46(0)739370082