Shall follow the rhythm through the drum of someone else, a rhythm of someone else shall wander beside me
Curatorial project in collaboration with Patrik Bengtsson.
An exhibition and a book presented in four acts, in a 300 m3 space at a shopping mall in the center of Göteborg, Sweden from November 2009 until February 2010.
The exhibition was organized as four openings with new constellations of artists and works exhibited each time. The artists where invited to take part of the exhibition by a letter sent to them from a certain character The Gestalt asking the artists specific questions to which they where to respond through their work. The letter was a one way communication between The Gestalt and the artists and has not been exposed to the public. Each act created a new chapter in The Book collecting texts by us (the curators) and the participating artists, articles, reviews and images from the exhibitions. The Book only exists in one unique copy.
We where invited to use the space to expose our artistic practise. Very soon we decided to make this space expand by inviting other artists to partake. Our intention and beliefs where that by giving space to others you generate more space both physically and mentally. The site became a temporarily new venue for contemporary art and artists in Göteborg, a story and a myth.
Participating artists in order of appearance:
Marja-Leena Sillanpää, Mattias Norström, Johan Zetterquist, Diana de Aguinaga, Fredric Gunve, Pascal Prosekt, Tobias Lindén, Katrine Persson, Imri Sandrström, Karlotta Blöndal, Lina Selander, Christin Wahlström Eriksson, Magdalena Rapala
Each act was promoted by a poster designed by Albert Sjöstam www.lula.se/albert
The project was funded with support from Framtidens Kultur, Mannheimers Kulturfond and Göteborgs Stad.